How To Keep Rainwater From Damaging Your Home In Kansas City

The most common question we get asked during home inspections is, “Is there an active leak?” Water damage is a serious, and often costly, issue for homeowners. Today we answer an important question; what’s the best way to deal with water damage in your home? Stop it before it starts! In this article, we are diving into how to keep rainwater from damaging your home in Kansas City.

How To Keep Rainwater From Damaging Your Home In Kansas City

Maintain Your Roof

The purpose of your roof is to keep rain and other exterior effects out of your home. Neglecting the health of your roof can lead to your roof failing to do its job, and forming weaknesses where rain, debris, and animals can find ways into your home. Most roofs have a lifespan of 20-30 years, but if heavily affected by harsh conditions, the lifespan of yours could be a lot less.

The best way to maintain a healthy roof is to regularly inspect your roof, and then continuously repair your roof when weather inevitably affects it. Climate, weather, and even nearby trees can cause damage to your roof’s shingles, which requires the homeowner to replace those shingles to prolong the lifespan and maintain the efficiency of the roof.  

Clean Your Gutters

Besides roof damage, dirty gutters are a leading cause of water damage in homes during harsh weather. This might be the most important and easiest step in our “How To Keep Rainwater From Damaging Your Home In Kansas City” series. If your gutters are left dirty, full of leaves, pine needles, or other debris, and not angled properly to funnel into the downspouts, then the water will instead drain down the side of your house, collecting at the base, which can put your foundation at risk of leaking.  

There’s only one thing more important than keeping your home dry and free of any water damage, and that’s safety. Stay safe when addressing issues on your roof.  

When cleaning your gutters, simply clear away any built-up debris, especially in areas closest to the entrances to the downspouts. Once your gutters have been cleared of any debris clogging proper water flow, clean the rest of the gunk with a small pressure washer.  

Watch “Check Your Gutters” From Our De-Winterization Series

Adjust Your Downspouts

Just because your gutters are now clean and operating efficiently, doesn’t mean that your downspouts are. Downspouts funnel the water away from your home, keeping your foundation clear of standing water which can find its way into your home.  

As home inspectors, we often suggest that downspouts direct water at least 4-feet away from the house as a general rule. This can depend on your home and the slope of the ground around your home though. If water is still collecting near your home after the downspouts have directed it 4-feet away, don’t be afraid to extend it even farther.

Redirect Runoff

The ground around your home is just as important when funneling water away from your home as gutters or downspouts are. If your home sits on a slope, as many homes do, it is common for water runoff from your front or back yard to drain toward your home rather than away from it. Over time, this natural flow of water can cause erosion, making your home more susceptible to standing water collecting near your foundation.  

Some of the best ways to divert water runoff, and keeping rainwater from damaging your home can include:

  • Add plants or trees to areas that collect runoff water. Plants will aid in using and discharging the water rather than letting it stand idle.
  • Use pavers, flagstones, or bricks instead of concrete slabs, as they allow water to soak in between them rather than tunneling underneath and creating a void.
  • Install a rain barrel or cistern system to catch and collect water runoff.
  • Construct a dry stream to redirect water when raining. Dry streams are a great solution to water runoff that also look great incorporated in your landscaping.

How To Schedule A Home Inspection?

How To Keep Rainwater From Damaging Your Home In Kansas City

When scheduling a home inspection with Metro Property Inspection, you have 2 options; you can call or text us at 913-390-9001, or schedule your home inspection with our online scheduler.

From our entire team of certified home inspectors here at Metro Property Inspection, we are excited and honored to serve you and the rest of Kansas City’s real estate industry.

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